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Open Evening 2023

Icknield's annual Open Evening event is here! Learn how to be able to help out!

Open Evening Details 2023

Every year at icknield starts with an open evening, and this year it will be happening on Thursday the 21st of september, and will take place from 6:00-8:00 in the evening. While on this site there will be mostly Icknield parents and upcoming students and not current students, It would really be appreiciated if any current Icknield students could help out with the event. If you have a subject that you feel passionate about, talk to the relevant teacher and ask if you can help out. However, make sure you have free time!

The evolution of SS2

Some important news involving SS2 or "Student Services" that students should be aware of.

SS2 no longer exists.

As of 11/09/2023, SS2 or "Student Services Room 2" is now the Student Safegaurding office. Ths was decided for a number of reasons, but this means that there will be new procedure unlike the old "Student Services" scheme. For example, during lesson times you will not be able to drop in anymore, but during lunchtimes you can if you are struggling with anything. In the announcement it was also reminded to all students when staff are responsible for your safety. this is in between 8:20 and 3:10.

Y8 Osmington Bay trip

Some new info as been given by the geography department to what will be happening on the trip.

Osmington Bay Student Infomation

Every year 8 student going on this trip has had all of this infomation avaliable, but in case any student missed any of this infomation, it is all here!

School arriving and pick-up times

Year 8 students will arrive at school as normal and will have to be there by 8:30am for a 9:00 leave. It is unkown where students will meet but it is most likely the dance studio. On Monday, students should return at around 18:00, however, due to varying traffic conditions, it is likely that the timings will be a bit off. Students will have their phones with them to communicate with parents in this event.


PGL will be supplying a whole range of foods on the site over the weekend. However on the trip to Osmington bay, The coach will stop at a service station so students can being money to buy snacks for the trip.

Kit list

Click here to download an image of the rough kit list. Some parts of the kit list such as bin bags have been removed.

Mobile phone policy

Mobile phones can be brought to the trip but can only be used on the bus. "Osmington bay is an opprtunity to get away from screens and enjoy the outside" Mr Moden, the Head Of Geography said. Phones will be confiscated by teachers when the students arrive. "People have tried to abuse this policy before, by for example, bringing an extra phone. These people have alwys been caught in the end". He also said this could lead to big sanctions after.

Pride Month 2023 - What's happening?

June is pride month, and icknield is now in action. What will be happening during pride month? Find out here!

Pride Month at ICC

June each year, pride month takes place. ICC will be celebrating this in many different ways!

Non-school uniform day

This non-school uniform day will be different from others because you will have to wear colours of the rainbow. To be more specific, 1 colour per person. This is so in the field a big photo can be taken of icc students being part of, in a way, the pride flag.

Information slides in the canteen

Students may have noticed already that there are some slides in the canteen highlighting important people from the LGBTQ+ community. This will help people be aware on how much of an affect LGBTQ+ people can have on the world.

Video about the history of Pride Month and the Stonewall Riots shown in tutor time

In tutor time a video about the history of pride month will be played. This will be benifical for students as they can learn more about being part of the LGBTQ+ community, and how pride month started.

Kahoot quiz during tutor

A kahoot will be played in tutor time as well about Pride Month. This will add an aspect of fun to the learning.

Promotion of LGBTQ+ charities

In the whole school communication, LGBTQ+ charites will be promoted.

Chess Club: Can you become Icknield's Chess Champion

Chess Club: All you need to know

Chess Club

Chess Club is held every day during lunchtime in Room 4, which is Dr. Owens' classroom. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, all are welcome to join and play chess.

Don't know how to play?

If you do not know how to play there are many experienced people who can teach and guide you so that you can get better. If you want practice visit, a website that alows you to play chess online or against a robot. However, for obvious reasons, this website is blocked during school hours. If you would like to learn the rules, the team here at ICC news recommend this site because of it's visual explanations.

Why go?

Many people go, mainly because its a fun place to hang around with nice people, and it is usally very quiet. Remember that chess is a very challenging game so do be prepared for many obstacles while playing this game.

Y8 - Geography Trip

From the 30th of June to the 3rd of July Y8 are going on a trip to Osmington Bay

Osmington Bay

From the 30th of June to the 3rd of July Y8 are going on a trip to Osmington Bay where they will be staying at PGL. While they are there they will do many activities PGL offer and they will head out to the beach and walk down the coast. Here are some intersesting facts about Osmington Bay:

  • Osmington Bay is a small bay located on the Jurassic Coast in Dorset, England.
  • The bay is known for its stunning natural beauty, including rugged cliffs, rolling hills, and crystal-clear waters.
  • The area has a rich history, with evidence of human activity dating back to the Bronze Age.
  • Today, Osmington Bay is a popular destination for outdoor activities such as hiking, sailing, and swimming.
  • The bay is also home to a number of rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, including the red squirrel and the sand lizard.
  • Osmington Bay was the site of a major naval battle during the English Civil War in 1644.
  • In the early 20th century, the bay was a popular spot for smugglers to bring contraband goods into the country.
  • The nearby village of Osmington is home to a number of historic buildings and landmarks, including the Osmington White Horse, a hill figure depicting a horse that was carved into the chalk hillside in the late 18th century.
  • The area is also famous for its local cuisine, including fresh seafood and traditional Dorset dishes such as Dorset Apple Cake.
  • Osmington Bay has been used as a filming location for a number of movies and TV shows, including the 2015 film "Far from the Madding Crowd" and the BBC series "Broadchurch."

Y8 Bletchley Park

Y8 trip to Bletchley Park

Y8 Bletchley Park Trip

Year 8 have the oppertunity to go to the world renowned Bletchley Park as a computing trip. Funny seen as I am writing this inside the computing room (Room 48). Now, let's see what bletchley park is for those who don't know!

What is Bletchley Park?

Bletchley Park was a secret location during WWII where a team of mathematicians, cryptographers, and other experts worked to decode secret messages used by the Axis powers. Their work is credited with shortening the war by two years and saving countless lives. Today, Bletchley Park is a renowned museum and heritage site. Year 8 students will visit, explore the museum, participate in computing activities, and witness Enigma, the infamous German cipher machine.

Where is it

Bletchley Park is in Milton keynes, as shown here:

Little Shop Of Horrors

Little Shop of horrors show

ICC's Drama Production

The annual ICC production Is currently taking place, on the 22nd of march through to the 25th of March.
This it may be too late to get tickets now, but as shown on the poster it is £9 per person.

Mr Rowe, the lead of the drama department speaks very highly of the annual plays and in the presentation he did about the production when it was announced. He said that there was a "great atmosphere" in the plays when they happened. After I spoke to a few people part of the play they said that it was very exciting! I agree from what I have been hearing from reharsals. If you would like to get late tickets, then I suggest you rush and click Here right now. This could be your last chance, so good luck. If it is past the 25th, Then I am afraid you are out of time.

International Womens Day 2023

International womens day 2023

International Women's Day 2023

As we approach spring, another wonderful event has arrived! The "International Women's Day" of this year is approching very fast, so this article, with help of Jude Bradley's research, will tell you everything you need to know about this event!

What is International Women's Day?

International Women's Day is a day when we celebrate the great acheivments of women and try to forge equality for women. The earliest Women's Day known in today's records, called "National Woman's Day", was held in February 1909, in New York City. It now takes place on the 8th of March, which is when it will take place this year.

What will ICC be doing to celebrate this event?

There are multiple things that ICC will be doing to celebrate Interantional Women's Day. For example, in the library, there is a new stand of books about many succsesful women and there stories. There are also going to be assemblies on the subject as well, which coud inlude sme external speakers talking aout there careers!

Women In Science Day 2023

About the Women in science day 2023

Women In Science Day 2023!

On Saturday the 11th of Febuary 2023, it is women and girls in science day! In this article I am going to explain what it is.

This year, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science  (IDWGIS) will focus on the role of Women and Girls and Science as relates to the Sustainable Development Goals in review at the forthcoming High-Level Political Forum namely (clean water and sanitation), (affordable and clean energy), (industry, innovation, and infrastructure), (sustainable cities and communities) and (means of implementation), while following up on discussions on water held during from the “Water Unites Us” 7th the 2nd High-Level International Conference on the Sustainable Development 2018 held in Dushanbe, and the 2nd UN Ocean Conference and its High-Level Symposium on Water held in Lisbon, as a contribution for the 2023 UN Water Conference, and other UN Fora. In doing so the international community aims to connect the International Community to Women and Girls in Science, strengthening the ties between science, policy, and society for strategies oriented towards the future. The international community will showcase best practices, strategies, applied solutions in addressing sustainable development challenges and opportunities. It will also include for the first time a science workshop for Blind Girls and a session from the BLIND fellow SCIENTISTS on “Science in Braille: Making Science Accessible”.

Tutors Adopting An Animal

Tutors across the school are adopting animals?

Every tutor will have the chance to adopt an animal!

This could be the most exciting article written yet, because the title is not clickbait! Well I guess it kind of is. It isn't really keeping the animal and looking after it, but it is more like funding the species you pick and saving it from possible extinction. You also recieve a squishy toy of the animal you are supporting, and a book of facts on the animal. So, who made this all happen?

Who made this happen?

Well, the person who is writing this, (James Moore) is part of the student school council. Now, it was suggested as an idea to the manager of the school council that one tutor could do it. She then thought, "you know what, lets do it for every tutor!"

How will this all happen and can it be afforded?

Well, I am afraid to say life wont be as simple as was first thought by probably many of youu readers thought at first. For the school to adopt every tutor group an animal, it would cost £561/Year. This may not seem like alot for icknield, but with the worsening cost of living chrisis, the last thing that icknield needs is to loose £500 every year. So how will this work?

So how will the money be made?

Well, im not sure if you readers will give a positive reaction to this, but to do it, your tutor is going to have to earn it! Yes, that's right, every tutor will have to fundraise enough money (£33) to adopt an animal for a year! So, when your school council representives come around and tell you about this, be ready with your ideas! Your whole tutor could be counting on you!

So what is with this "Adopt an animal" thing anyway?

Well, at first it may seem that you are looking after an animal of choice, but that isn't the case. What actually happens is you pick an endangered spicies and you can help fund it for £3 per month. Is this it? No, that would be kind of rubbish. You actually recive a squishy toy of the animal you are supporting, a book of facts about the animal, and updates on how you have helped the animal thrive. not as exciting as was presented by the name, but it is still pretty cool!

What animals do you get to choose from?

Well, have a look below:

Warner Bros Studio Tour Y11

Y11 students who took media for GCSE will get the privelige to go on a trip to Warner Bro's Studios!

Warner Bros Studio Tour: Year 11 media students

The Y11s will be seeing behind the scenes of films like harry potter and WAY more!Now to tell you what is going to happen we will tell you some information about the trip below:

You will get to see some amazing sets like the great hall Serving as the backdrop to some of the film series’ most iconic scenes such as the Yule Ball and the Battle of Hogwarts. The spectacular Great Hall includes the costumes of students from each Hogwarts house plus two large tables which are set for dinner; at the top of the room is the teachers' table where the Hogwarts Professors sat. The Great Hall is home to some of the beautiful hand crafted props created for the Harry Potter film series including Professor Dumbledore’s lectern and the House Points Counter.It is rumoured that when the House Points Counter was first built it caused a national shortage of Indian glass beads.How cool.

You might also want to see The Forbidden Forest seen in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was a combination of location and studio shooting. This moved entirely to the Studio for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in order to house Aragog the spider's lair and continued to grow throughout the film series. While shooting for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, scenic artists created backdrops that were up to six hundred feet in length. The Forbidden Forest seen at the Studio Tour is filled with 19 trees each with a diameter of over 12 feet. For more information go to This link. This trip does not normally happen so please thank the teachers that they have booked tickets so that you can go and see this wonderful tour around warner bros studios. Any quetsions ask us.

The Great Dance Off

ICC have entered this epic competition!

The Great Big Dance Off

The great big dance off, which ICC have entered, will take place on the 24th January 2023 in the Beck Theatre, Hayes.

The Great Big Dance Off is a popular national dance competition open to schools all across England & Wales. This is the ONLY national dance competition aimed SOLELY at schools.

It's vision is to create an exciting competition bringing together children of all ages and abilities where the emphasis is on having a good time.

TGBDO has been entered by ICC!

TGBGO (The Great Big Dance Off) has been entered by ICC! We believe it is too late to enter, but if you wish to ask any questions about the dance off, ask Miss Samuel-Beechy.

World Religion Day

At the date of writing, it is world religion day! To find out more, read this article

World Religion Day

On January the 15th of 2023, and the week after, we will be celebrating World Religion Day in school. Some tutors may have activities related to this.

What is World Religion Day?

World Religion Day is a day where people celebrate different religions and it is a reminder that religions should have harmony with eachother as some people fought over there own beliefs. It is a special day where all religions come together and celebrate every single one.

When does it take place and who made it?

World Religion Day was started by the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’í Faith. It began in the state of Maine in the United States as a day for World Peace held Through World Religion in October 1947. In 1950, it became known as World Religion Day. It was decided that for one day a year, all religions should be celebrated and their similarities appreciated. This day ended up being the 3rd Sunday of January.

What is the Bahá’í Faith?

The Bahá’í Faith is a religion that belives all religions, all races, all people are equal. It originated in iran.

When this year?

The Winter Games - What Are They?

Heard of the winter games? Wondered what they where? well this is the perfect place to find out!

The Winter games - What are they?

One of the less talked about events in icknield are the winter games. The winter games are events that take place in PE for Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9. There are teams named after sporting stars, such as:

• Danson
• Wlikinson
• Moore
• Housby

There are many different activities that get done in the winter games such as:

• Christmas Dodgeball
• Song Fitness
• Rugby Capture The Flag
• Rugby
• Hockey

Lets go through every sport so you know what they are.


If you are wondering what hockey is, then i'm concerned. Anyway, hockey is a sport where two teams compete to win. How do you win? Score the most goals in a certian time period. There is one ball in the game and it can be moved around with a hockey stick. To score a goal the ball must be put into the opposing sides goal.


Rugby is a sport where two teams compete to win. How do you win? Score the most tries in a certian time period. There is one ball in the game and it can be moved around with a pair of hands. To score a goal the ball must be put into the opposing sides goal. Yes. I pretty much just copied and pasted that, but if you would like to learn more, head onto this cool website I found.

Rugby Capture The Flag

Capture the flag but the flag is a rugby ball.

Song Fitness

Song Fitness is a game where you take two teams and put an even amount of people on rowing machines and cycling machines, and see which team goes the furthest while listening to 4 minute christmas songs. there are 5 rounds of this, and whoever wins the most will win the game.

Christmas Dodgeball

Dodgeball with a few twists, such as the "santa bib" that unless the opponent catches your throw, you are invincible.

When does it happen?

It happens in december before the christmas break.


Welcome to the ICC student news website!


Welcome to the Icknield Community College Student newspaper website! If you were trying to find the offical icknield website, click here. Icknield is a community of students who are interested in learning. The teachers are very kind and understanding and are always happy to help. Icknield is a brilliant school and Ofsted gave it a rating of "Good" in a 2019 inspection. Students are always very welcoming.

Why is this site "Not secure"?

Please don't worry about this, because all it means is that if you were to put in passwords, which this website does not allow anyway seen as we don't have an account system, they could be found if someone decided to hack our website. While of couse that doesn't sound good, this website isn't very popular and we doubt that people would try and hack it. Anyway, we don't use accounts or anything on this site anyway, so everything is fine. This is an offical icknield site.

What is the ICC student news website?

What is the Icknield Commnunity College student news website? The ICC student news website is for articles about what is going on around the school, from upcoming school events, to key infomation for all students. This site is a good place to go when you have any doubt about what is going on around the school.